Borderlands 2 level 61 save pc
Borderlands 2 level 61 save pc

borderlands 2 level 61 save pc

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  • How to configure hp switch using putty - User Guide (PDF) Videos.
  • The standby will only take over as commander if the commander switch fails. The standby switch acts as a backup commander, should something happen to the commander switch. Next, we’ll configure the standby in the stack. Open a terminal emulator such as PuTTY and connect to the device using the following serial settings: 38400, N, 8, 1. Connect the serial port on the PC to the switch's console port, using the console cable included with the switch. If your HP switch already has a static IP address, please skip to step 9. The following configuration box appears when you open PuTTY: Enter your DreamHost credentials in the PuTTY Configuration box (see details below). Browse to the location of your putty.exe file (it should be C:\Users\bin\putty.exe) Save the shortcut.
  • Right click on your Desktop and choose 'New > Shortcut'.

  • Borderlands 2 level 61 save pc